look at how funny my friends are

[11:05pm] plunk: ew wtf is wrong with you pit
[12:18am] Phantasma: Agagagegegegeg *twinkly walk noise*[12:52pm] NubTail: Sexy male furries. ❤️
[12:52pm] NubTail: Sorry, typo.
[12:52pm] NubTail: Didn't mean to say that.
[3:54pm] capybara: ow owww my breasts[8:03pm] Roman: cats are so hard
[8:03pm] Roman: theyre literally just soup inside of a fur lining
[8:55pm] Nitrogen: death by blunt[4:12pm] pit: hit chatsite meaning the chatsite i am going to beat to death
[4:12pm] goth: bans pit for death threat
[4:12pm] pit: bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you
[4:12pm] goth: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[4:12pm] goth: dies
[4:46pm] dogskins: when i feel the rage i just pick up goth and throw them across the room
[4:47pm] goth: i bounce off the wall and make a BOING! noise
[1:24pm] Pegasus: am i a sexy chatlands user[3:04pm] effigy: god i would kill for $200
[3:04pm] Foe: would you
[6:39pm] plunk: poop funny[7:19pm] Wyvern: foe what potion is in ur cauldron
[7:20pm] Foe: it's not potion it's human slop
[7:20pm] Wyvern: delicious!
[12:17am] pit: salmir in hamtaro universe would say "hamha BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[12:17am] goth: evil little man
[12:17am] goth: hamtaro gonna ask waht a bitch is
[11:39am] pit: yuu why are u all alone and small[6:41pm] S3V3N: I can't believe goth fucken died[10:29pm] goth: my bf wants me to do an experiment to see if i dont have a nightmare tonight from not smoking weed and ill be honest with u i feel like
[10:29pm] goth: the image of lois griffin with fucked up hair staring at the pill bottle except the bottle is my dab pen
[10:30pm] Ghosty: goth this is unrelated to u being a drug addict but u look so cute!!
[10:37pm] chill: goth idk why that pose makes me wanna grip you and squeeze like a stress toy[9:48pm] blazey: do yo uknow how much i miss bohahjgnels??????????????????????????[1:56am] ban: using my duracell battieries that are in a poly relationship to keep my phone alive[12:26am] Afton: #lack toes intelligent[2:04pm] puppy: soujla boy walked so flossing could run[3:26pm] Spelladonna: long live the fucking KING. *kills my sister*[12:59am] choptop: i love vegtable
[12:59am] choptop: vegeta
[11:22pm] pit: get better soon kaneki[11:07am] fenrir: waman ... <3[11:10am] fenrir: if it helps yuu spiritually im anbab
[11:10am] fenrir: couldnt identify me. so they said well whatever
[11:11am] fenrir: i scrub daddy the memory from ur brain
[11:12am] fenrir: uh oh....... i removed some weinkles from ur brain.......
[11:33am] fenrir: i suppose you could, in theory, do it provided you have the resources and mental capacity to do so .[2:05pm] miffy: Trauma (derogatory) trauma (affectionate)[2:32pm] Kiko: !kick1 nineinchnails3 Idle in a full room! Come back soon! Idle Time: 01:26:49
[2:32pm] Kiko: ....
[12:59am] chill: truama
[12:59am] chill: i will strangle you until you pop
[12:59am] trauma: okay
[1:57pm] Sol: !kick1 choptop 3 sorry, you've been idle for 01:35:06 in a full room
[1:57pm] Sol: crying
[1:58pm] Sol: !kick1 choptop3 sorry, you've been idle for 01:35:06 in a full room
[1:58pm] Sol: omg help me
[4:52pm] chill: truama
[4:52pm] chill: you make me violently ill
[4:52pm] trauma: chill ur so cool
[4:52pm] trauma: i think ur the coolest person on wolfhome dot com
[10:22pm] pit: ctrl + pit to GO INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![11:45pm] pit: branwen im sorry but if i watch gojo sniffing pussy or whatever he does in that show i might actually go insane[12:54am] pit: I TALKED ABOUT GOJOS PUSSY EARLIER GIVE ME A BREAK
[12:54am] pit: I DID THAT FOR YOU
[1:09am] pit: go to page 206 of the bible theres a verse about gojos pussy[11:53pm] fenrir: what the hell is yuu gonna be with a slenderman arg be real[12:41am] pit: who is ghost from cod
[12:41am] Rue: google him
[12:41am] Rue: you won't regret it
[12:41am] pit: hes like anonymous with a gun
[10:51pm] trauma: aaaaaaaaa gelato so cold
[10:51pm] Branwen: melts it
[10:51pm] trauma: omg my hero
[10:52pm] Branwen: this really has been our hero academia
[10:13pm] Branwen: and on the third day jesus logged into wolfhome[1:26am] towa: go lay down
[1:27am] towa: talks to you like the family dog
[1:27am] towa: go lay down
[1:27am] trauma: LMAO
[1:27am] Branwen: snaps fingers
[1:27am] Branwen: lay
[1:27am] towa: points at your bed
[10:08pm] Branwen: wow
[10:08pm] pit: sorry i dont know what came over me
[11:44pm] trauma: yuu trauma goth wolfhome shot dead in miami
[11:44pm] PRIEST: of wolfhome
[11:44pm] pit: not that server
[11:45pm] Branwen: there's a cooler server out there
[11:45pm] pit: absolutely
[11:45pm] trauma: i like that no one cares that i was killed
[11:45pm] pit: SOTP
[11:45pm] towa: just another day
[11:45pm] PRIEST: i remade my dscord so idk what servers to go to
[11:45pm] Absentia: cnjdskcndasc
[11:45pm] Branwen: oh, rip i guess
[11:56pm] Tau: go take a poop Trauma
[11:57pm] Absentia: ....wow my brain is a terrible place
[11:57pm] Absentia: I immediately was like "Trauma dumping"
[11:59am] PHONK: gotta love lead poisoning[11:05pm] Branwen: yes i'll take your rusty 50 year old farming hoe and a dvd of tom and jerry[5:24pm] yuu: im always actin stupid
[5:24pm] towa: youre the smartest person i know
[5:24pm] yuu: u are lying
[5:24pm] towa: i am yeah
[11:43pm] fenrir: *in #text-for-voice* who up posting feet[11:43pm] towa: damn who threw rocks at you?[11:45pm] yuu: HJELP
[11:45pm] fenrir: YUU NORWEGIAN ERA?
[11:53pm] yuu: Tony — 09/11/2023 5:46 PM choco chip waffles w peanut butter on them and flamin hot lays stax or the fabled chesters hot fries
[11:53pm] fenrir: thats the second worst thing thats happened on a 9/11
[11:58pm] fenrir: bnuimpkin
[11:58pm] fenrir: hope this helps
[12:30am] effigy: im back and not insane anymore
[12:30am] Absentia: sure
[12:30am] effigy: SURE????
[12:35am] yuu: people are gonna babygirl-ify kris
[12:35am] towa: i already babygirlify kris in my head
[12:40am] effigy: kris
[12:40am] fenrir: yes
[12:40am] effigy: if there werent already 8 ppl i wish i could get u into a dnd game w me
[12:40am] fenrir: i would not play it <3
[12:46am] Branwen: Hey *with straightness*
[12:46am] fenrir: *while being normal* hi
[5:37pm] Absentia: i would eat a fucking rat sandwich right now[12:04am] yuu: trolllface u mad bro?
[12:04am] Branwen: yuu never say that again
[12:50am] Branwen: nice tits *with money*[12:56am] yuu: kris and vi training to go beyond
[12:57am] fenrir: plus ultra or whatever
[2:57am] yuu: my ass born in 1996
[2:57am] fenrir: what abt the rest of u
[2:57am] yuu: 1742
[2:57am] fenrir: G-G-G-GHOST?!?!?1
[4:30am] towa: you be breasting boobily and shit good for you[5:34pm] yuu: show me the eboy gamer hands you can trust me with hand pictures
[5:34pm] yuu: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[9:57am] yuu: good meowning
[9:57am] GoldenWolfess: ok
[9:27pm] HARUSPEX: shut up and put the one with the fursona on the phone[1:14pm] sukuna: cracker time
[1:16pm] lazy: me when i wake up in the morn
[9:10pm] lilniiyah: the best part is killing people[1:15am] fenrir: WOman (im a feminist)[1:39pm] yuu: just left
[1:40pm] Branwen: yuu come back
[1:41pm] Murdoc: soulja boy told 'em :(
[12:20am] fenrir: just entered
[12:21am] shifterdarkwolf: I should read before opening my dumb hole
[12:21am] fenrir: why are we posting hole this early in the morning
[12:21am] shifterdarkwolf: because it is an accurate description
[12:22am] shifterdarkwolf: And lets be honest it is prob my least offensive hole
[12:26am] fenrir: RIBNALD NMCOANDALSD HAS A FUNKO POP?[12:33am] towa: yuu is teething .. <3[6:01pm] puppy: wanna canabalize each other yuu
[6:01pm] yuu: yes but no homo :/
[6:01pm] puppy: yea just as friends
[8:22pm] Branwen: lady zaza[3:44pm] yuu: guys my birthday is on the 24th what are you getting me :)
[3:44pm] puppy: a kiss on the lips
[3:44pm] Absentia: a swift kick in the ass
[10:02am] yuu: im so cold
[10:02am] fenrir: pee
[10:03am] yuu: ..?
[10:03am] fenrir: wamrth
[3:46pm] BIRDPOOP: oh wow
[3:46pm] BIRDPOOP: tube
[3:47pm] yuu: cursed to be reigen toilet for everyones entertainment
[3:47pm] Branwen: i know
[3:34pm] wolf is back
[3:34pm] wolf: cooking: failed
[3:35pm] pit: alright wolf lets get you back to eso
[3:35pm] towa: how bad did you fuck it up be honest
[11:28pm] yuu: cishet slenderman
[11:28pm] yuu: cishetman?
[11:28pm] fenrir: cisgenderman
[11:29pm] yuu is away: cisgenderman
[11:29pm] fenrir is away: ilikemenderman
[11:45pm] fenrir: stop recommending me this https://i.imgur.com/u5MXwyx.png
[11:46pm] Branwen: i hope they never stop
[11:59pm] Branwen: cut thier life into pieces
[11:59pm] fenrir: this is wii sports resort
[11:59pm] Branwen: quiet
[4:42pm] Puck: was anyone in this room ever a pookie
[4:42pm] Puck: this is a safe space
[4:43pm] Puck: [hiding my brain examining tools poorly behind my back] dont be shy people
[5:01pm] Puck: yuu is the powerhouse of the cell[9:37pm] Branwen: 3 is just like 4 except one less[1:38pm] Blaze: just entered
[1:38pm] yuu: JENNA!!!!!!!!!!! BLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[1:39pm] fenrir: hiiii
[1:39pm] Blaze: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[1:39pm] LucanWolf: Hello.
[1:39pm] Blaze: Hello.